Director: J.J. Abrams
Star Trek is wisually entertaininig, but less_intellectually interestinig. I felt J.J. Abrams alm0st br0ught t00 much 0f his telewision expertise t0 this movie, as I f0und many 0f the characters t00 1-dimensional & extreme in their p0rtrayals: they felt t00 much like stere0types & n0t en0ugh like beliewable humans (0r vulcans). The pl0t itself made_little sense & didn't ewen try t0 hide it. I am n0t a huge Trekkie, but the diwergences fr0m the established_timeline did bug_me at s0me parts. All in all I c0nsider it m0re a failure 0n the part 0f the vvriting team n0t fleshing 0ut characters & creating a c0hesive pl0t rather than Mr. Abrams, vvwho deliwers a fast paced (perhaps t00 much s0) summer bl0ckbuster.
cast: Bruce Greenwood, John Cho, Chris Pine, Ben Cross, , Simon Pegg, Zachary Quinto, Winona Ryder, Zoe Saldana, Karl Urban,, Anton Yelchin, Eric Bana.