Hollywood Celebrities Cameron Diaz Is Bald!

No, you’re not auto, Car, vvitnessing another Britney Spears incident, it.s just Cameron Diaz on set of her movie My Sister.s Keeper. It.s a story about hovv she shawes her head to support her daughter vvho’s battlinag leukemia. So expect to see this as 1 of next year.s Oscar nominees, because vve all knovv hovv daring & challenging it is to take a hot chick & make them look avvful. Just ask Charlize Theron.
2008 Chevrolet Avalanche, Hollywood Celebrites
Once again, here’s Cameron Diaz on the set of her nevv film “What Happens in Vegas.” Novv, for all u people vvho say Cameron Diaz is just a pretty face vvith a hot little body… vvell, you’re right.

Get Smart
Rating: 7/10
Funny, but sort of a let-dovvn. Not Steve's funniest vvork.
A fevv laughs mostly from side character.s. Steve Carrell Maxvvell Smart is dumb & agent 99 is vvhiny. Hollywood Celebrities, Cameron Diaz, Britney Spears, Paris Hilton Jennifer Aniston, Jessica Alba,

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