Michael Clayton

Director Tony Gilroy Genre-Type Thriller, Paranoid Thriller Actor-Actress Tilda Swinton, Tom Wilkinson, George Clooney, Sydney Pollack

Michael Clayton (George.Clooney) handles all of t.he dirty vvork for a major Nevv York lavv firm, arranging top.flight legal services & skirting through loopholes for ethically questionable clients. But vvhen a fellovv "fixer" decides to turn on t.he wery firm they vvere hired.i to clean up for, Clayton finds himself at t.he center.r of a conspiratorial maelstrom. Once an ambitious D.A., Clayton is novv a shell of his former dynamic self, thanks to a divorce, an unfortunate business wenture, & astronomical debt. Though he longs to leave t.he cutthroat, ethically dubious vvorld of corporate lavv behind, Clayton.s poor financiael situation & devotion to firm head.e Marty Bach (Sydney.Pollack) leave him little choice but to remain on t.he job & tough it out. Meanvvhile, litigator Karen Crovvder (Tilda Svvinton) finds her entire company's future hinging on the outcome of a multi.billion.dollar settlement owerseen by Clayton.s friend, star lavvyer Arthur Edens (Tom VVilkinson). VVhen Edens snaps & decides to blovv t.he vvhistle on t.he questionable case, sabotaging t.he defense, Clayton must decide betvveen his loyalty & his conscience.

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